Yes, I did say "Thank goodness for Hexies"......without my little hexies over the past 4 weeks, I know without a doubt I would be in a straight jacket! After my "Rotary Cutter Accident" (mentioned in an earlier post) I have had to STOP all longarm quilting and "Sit" or "Lay" with my foot up and I have been hard at work on my Hexie Quilt.....well, when I am not sleeping.
I started this Hexigon Quilt about two years ago, just to work on in the car rider line when picking my daughter, Katie up at middle school. That 15-20 minutes always felt like an enternity so I started making hexies to pass the time sitting there. My daughter was in the 8th grade at the time, now a Sophomore in High School and it is almost done! I have only worked on it while waiting for Katie, my nephews to get off the bus on days I had to pick them up, on two vacations, two times of sit-n-sew....and the past four weeks while recovering from foot surgery.
When I started this quilt, I had high hopes of making this one into at least a Queen size quilt...........yea right! I will officially say now that this quilt will be a Crib Size! In just one photo you will see why I changed my mind on this. Anyone, who knows me personally, knows that I am one of those people who take that risk, ummm, if that is what you want to call it, I say, I am nuts!
I have always loved a challenge and this hexie quilt was one more of those personal challenges...
When I started this I went on the internet and did a search for Free Printable Hexigons...sorry, I do not know the site, but this is what I did. I then found the size that I wanted, loaded a sheet of card stock and hit print. Waa-laa! Then I cut a few out. I then sat and traced the cardstock hexigon onto freezer paper.....over and over and over.....then I cut those out, pressed onto the fabric strips I had. I started this quilt with a JellyRoll. Then I looked around on the internet to find out what to do next..Stitch the seam allowance down....and this the adventure started...
I did misplace a bag of my hexies about a year ago, never have found them...will probably find them about the time I finish the quilt.. so, I just got busy to make more.
I will tell you that I love my Clover needle threader (thanks to my friend, Jonnie)! I can thread my needle so easy and it helps to be able to loop my needle back through so that my needle stays on the thread, even if I drop it (thanks again, Jonnie for that tip)
For me, I like to go back and forth doing the different "segment" of making the hexigons. I get I have to keep it interesting...So, I prepare some for a while, then I do the seam allowance stitching for a while, then I make them into flowers for a while then I have an "add them to the quilt day(s)"
This is my "seams are stitched and ready to add" box...

Next, I make some into stacks. I like to set little goals for the day...So, I get a few stacks out and that becomes my goal for the day...just to get that much done...last few weeks, I have had to add stacks over the day to keep me busy...
But, now this is all the flowers left to sew together...9 little stacks! Well, I hope....we will have to see if the quilt is the size that I want it when all sewed onto the quilt...Keeping my fingers crossed, I am ready to move on to a new project but I must finish this one...I have played with it long enough...getting bored....After the little stacks, I get it to the flower stage....
I have been making the flowers into rows..There is more than likely better ways to do this, but I just like to make the rows, then add the rows onto the quilt. I feel like I am getting more done at one time this way..I have found that with hexigon quilts, you have to be ready to feel like you are NOT getting much done in a day...really you are, but, it just doesn't feel like it some days.
I will post once more about this quilt...when it is finally finished, quilted and binding done..
I am happy (that it's almost done) and I have had fun (most of the time) making it, and that my "quilty friends" is what it's all about!
Happy Quilting!
Wow; I applaud your perseverence! It looks wonderful~